Why I'm Interested in Serious Games

Why I’m Interested in Serious Games

I’m fascinated by the potential for serious games. As an avid gamer myself, I’ve always been interested in how games can be used to help people learn and understand. In this blog post, I’ll explore some examples of how serious games have been used in education, military training, healthcare—and even immersive storytelling!


Games can be an effective way to engage students and help them learn. Games can also help teachers teach, by providing a safe place for students to practice what they’ve learned.

In many cases, games are more effective than traditional teaching methods because they provide an engaging environment that encourages critical thinking skills–the kind of skills that allow us to solve problems on our own rather than simply memorizing facts or procedures from someone else’s perspective (e.g., the teacher).

Military training

The military is one of the most obvious use cases for serious games. The Department of Defense has been using them for decades, and there’s no reason to think this will change anytime soon. But what about civilians? Do we need to be trained in how to react when disaster strikes?

Civilians are not immune from being affected by natural disasters or man-made crises like terrorist …

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A Standardized Education: The IEP

A Standardized Education: The IEP

When you bring your child home from the hospital, they will have a physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech and language therapy appointment within the first three weeks of their life. Children who have an IEP can receive help from many more sources than just their teachers. Parents are encouraged to be involved in the IEP process. There are two types of services that can be provided under an IEP — special education services and related services. Related services include transportation, specialized medical or psychological services, counseling services and parent training/child development programs.” The purpose of this blog is to inform parents about what exactly is included in an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), why it’s so important for children to have one by law, what happens if they don’t have one yet but need one desperately…etc.

The Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is a statement of your child’s unique educational needs.

The IEP is a statement of your child’s unique educational needs. It’s developed by the school, parents and teacher(s). The IEP is reviewed at least once a year, and it can be revised as needed to meet the student’s changing needs.

When you bring your child home from the hospital,

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Struggles Working Out At Home

Struggles Working Out At Home

Working out at home can be a great way to get active and stay in shape. But it’s also got its challenges. If you’re like me, you might find yourself struggling with motivation more than anything else when working out from home. When I’m not feeling motivated to go for a run or do some weights, it’s easy for me to put my workout plans off until later—or just completely forget about them entirely and opt for some Netflix instead. This is why I’ve explored some ways that can help you stay on track even when working out at home seems like the last thing you want to do:

Can’t get motivated.

The key to getting your workout routine going is starting small, and making it as easy as possible. The benefits of exercise are numerous, including increased energy levels and improved cardiovascular health–but if you don’t make the time to set aside for working out in your life, you won’t see those results.

That’s why we recommend starting with something like walking or jogging around your neighborhood before work or school each morning. You can also try taking a brisk walk after dinner with your family or friends; even …

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Physical Activity Can Help Reduce Pain

Physical Activity Can Help Reduce Pain

Physical activity can help you prevent chronic diseases, and it may also help you cope with them if you have them already. It’s important to find the type of activity that works best for you, whether it’s yoga or jogging.

Physical activity can reduce the risk of chronic disease.

Physical activity can reduce the risk of chronic disease.

Physical activity helps you maintain a healthy weight and body fat percentage.

It also helps keep your heart and lungs healthy, as well as your immune system.

Physical activity is important for bone health.

Physical activity is important for bone health. It can help you maintain a healthy weight, which in turn will reduce stress on your bones. If you are overweight or obese, losing as little as 5% of your body weight may reduce the risk of osteoporosis later in life.

Physical activity also helps improve balance and coordination so that you can do things like walk without tripping or falling, climb stairs without getting out of breath and carry heavy objects without hurting yourself.

As well as being good for your bones, physical activity can:

  • Make it easier for blood vessels inside the body – including those leading to the
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